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Mould can be found in almost every home. If you can’t find it in your living room, you will surely find it in your cellar. In the living areas of your house, mold can quickly spread. Therefore, you should consider the possibility of mold in your house. So, you may want to be alert and look for those dark spots. The good news is that not every type of mold is bad for your health. But if you have a respiratory problem, we suggest that you get rid of mold spores from your home. In this article, we are going to

Allergenic Mold

Typically, this type of mold may affect you if you have allergies, asthma or other types of respiratory issues. Since all types of mold can cause these symptoms, we can say that all types of mold are allergic. According to many research studies, about 25% of the population is allergic to mold.