turkeybonebank.com - Orbone Cell And Tissue Bank

Description: Orbone® Cell and Tissue Bank is Türkiye's first and only tissue bank that produces Human Sourced Tissue and Bone "Allografts" with superior eCOO® scCO2 technology, which is used in tissue surgery operations and is close to autogenous tissue quality. Using the world's highest and most reliable technology, Orbone allografts.

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bone-graft-types-orbone dental-allograft-orbone-greft allotransplantation-orbone-bone-grafting bone-graft-materials-orbone HIGH TECHNOLOGY QUALITY HUMAN-SOURCED BONES AND TISSUES Orbone ® Cell and Tissue Bank , has been the pioneer of the sector in Türkiye since 2009-2010 with the studies it has carried out together with the well-established Tissue Banks in Europe and America using cutting-edge eCOO ® scCO2 tissue units, Orbone ® produces wholly with domestic resources in Turkey and has made significant con

Together with excellent eCOO ® scCO2 technology close to autogenous tissue quality, Orbone ® is the first and only tissue bank in Türkiye that manufactures allograft tissue groups utilized in tissue surgical operations with the highest and most reliable technology in the world.

Orbone® Cell and Tissue Bank offers its wide product portfolio including Orthopedics and Traumatology, Neurosurgery, Plastic Surgery as finished products to both tissue banks and hospitals. Our allografts meet the special tissue needs according to difficult surgical areas.