turnrite.com - Precision Machined Parts, Thread Rolling, Spline Rolling, Friction Welding, Broaching – Chicago Turnrite

Description: For nearly sixty years, Chicago Turnrite Company has been producing precision machined parts of complex geometry and material composition (basic carbon to exotics) in sizes from ½” and above in volumes of 100 – 100,000.

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For over 70 years, Chicago Turnrite Company has been producing precision machined parts of complex geometry and material composition (basic carbon to exotics) in sizes from ½” and above in volumes of 100 – 100,000. Our uniquely diverse manufacturing process incorporates today’s leading-edge technology, hands-on production expertise, and exceptional customer service, enabling us to be a true turnkey manufacturing partner.

Precision manufacturing (maintain tolerances to .0003"); superior machining capabilities, world-class quality assurance, on-time delivery, and short lead times are hallmarks that customers have accepted as standards for Chicago Turnrite.

As a customer-driven manufacturing partner, our reputation for improving productivity and raising profitability has attracted Chicago Turnrite customers from diverse industries including but not limited to:

Links to turnrite.com (1)