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Description: Everything is energy. We are energy beings - electromagnetic beings. And so, the best possible modality for healing is energy. Hypnotherapy, Reiki, EFT, and Feng Shui offer fast, effective and life-transforming energy techniques for healing mind, body, sp

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Twelvesouls San Jose , CA United States twelveso uls @yahoo .com

Everything is energy. We are energy beings - electromagnetic beings. And so, the best possible modality for healing is energy. 

Hypnotherapy, Reiki, EFT, and Fe ng Shui offer fast, effective and life-transforming energy techniques for healing mind, body, spirit, and even your home. Negative events and actions can lower a body or a home's energy level. IIllness, unhappiness, depression, and more can result when your body or home's energy frequencies are out of balance and lowered.