- Welcome | Twenty65

Description: Interdisciplinary teams working across the water cycle to develop flexible and synergistic solutions tailored to meet changing societal needs and achieve positive impact on health, environment, economy and society.

health (21310) water (6070) environment (3781) society (2137) collaboration (1844) economy (1436) partnership (836) innovations (418) disruptive innovations (4) tailored systems (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Water is the foundation of society. It sustains life, fuels agriculture and food production, supports our economy, and is crucial to the natural environment.

How do we build resilience, efficiency and adaptability into our systems, networks and catchments to ensure we all receive clean water, sustainably, by the year 2065?

From 2016 to 2021, TWENTY65, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC),  worked in partnership across the water sector to tailor water systems so that they positively impact health, the environment, the economy and society.