- Two Gals Go – We'll be sharing our tips, travels and times on this blog and invite you to join us as we explore.

Description: We'll be sharing our tips, travels and times on this blog and invite you to join us as we explore.

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Welcome, 2021 National Women’s Music Festival workshoppers and all of our friends! We hope these pages assist you in your search for an RV.

Jordy and I very much appreciate you dropping in to watch our Workshop. Jordy promised you resources and they follow these important messages from US! You might have questions that weren’t covered, please ask them in the RVing Women and Friends facebook page (link below) there is a treasure of RVing knowledge there – Jordy and I both contribute as well.

Shameless plug time here – If you do buy an RV, consider becoming a member of RVing Women and coming to our national conference sometime. Jordy and I teach Basic RV Maintenance on one day and the next teach Advanced RV Maintenance. If you do join RVW, please mention LizWharton or Barb Jording (there’s a referral box to fill). We’ll get a little discount on our dues (for one referral, anyway) and we get to compete to win a prize for the most memberships referred. It’s all in fun, which is what RVWs have!

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