txtsignal.com - Text Message Marketing Platform & Full SMS Services | txtsignal

Description: Reach customers, team members, and anyone else with SMS text messages. Try txtsignal now. Or, we can do it all for you with full services.

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We offer you the ability to connect with your customers and contacts where they are. At exactly the time you want. We make building an audience easy and sending (or scheduling) text message campaigns fast and simple. Since 2004, we have served: non-profits organizations; churches and youth groups; schools and universities; sports teams; city, county, and state governments; and large corporations. From the small text updates to the high-volume campaigns, we have your SMS needs covered.

Schedule your text message for any date at any time. Schedule one message or a multi-message campaign all at once.

A custom immediate text message sent to a contact right at opt in. Offer a discount, info, or direct to any link.

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