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Description: Kişisel Yazılarım

teknoloji (536) sağlık (535) yatırım (222)

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digital transformation,Dijital Sağlık,sağlıkta dijital dönüşüm

Ekleyen: TUE Ekleme Tarihi: 24 Kasım 2022 . Eklenen Kategori(ler) Sağlık Stratejileri ve Politika

As it stands out during the pandemic process, health technologies have been developing rapidly over the years. Advancements in technology in the medical and healthcare fields enable patients to be treated more effectively and diagnosed accurately. It is incredible and so comfortable that the difference technology makes in healthcare. Could we compare this technology with former times? Digital transformation in healthcare is inescapable through the rapidly-developing digital services and also makes it imposs