- | The Ugly Face of Football - ugliest footballers

Description: Uglyfootballers | Win with ugly footballers

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It will be far removed from the glittering opening ceremony in London as the Olympics officially begins at the City of Coventry Stadium in yes you've guessed it Coventry. This is the very same place that when the torch went through the streets that two young hoodies tried to run off with it. The very same place that two security staff were found to be working illegally and compromising security. So tonight when the might of Japan take on Canada the worlds eyes will focus on Coventry, could be worse could of

One thing we all agree on is our love for football football football. So just imagine if you were lucky enough to have the chance to represent your country at the World Cup, a dream for most of us Sunday morning hobblers. This dream for a certain Manchester City full back is now over due to the ugly episode we have all read about a thousand times. So now the question, what would you do? Would you give up the ultimate childhood dream of playing at a World Cup due to the off field shananagins of your ex team

Its been the scurge of football since time began. We all remember Diego Maradona punching Argentina through to the '86' World Cup Semi Finals at the expense of the hapless Shilton. Even choir boy Scholes did it against Zenit St. Petersburg in the Super Cup Final, but he rightly received his marching orders for it. And now Thierry 'Beautiful Game' Henry decided to grow feet for hands before Gallas slotted home to break the hearts of not only Ireland but of football in general.