ultidri.com - Pentair - UltiDri oil conditioning systems | Pentair Engineered Filtration

Description: UltiDri uses advanced filtration and membrane technology to keep lubrication and hydraulic oil in optimum condition and protect equipment

power generation (361) lubrication (148) hydraulic oil (42) clean oil (9) dry oil (2) ultidri (1) remove solid contaminants (1) remove emulsified water (1) remove free water (1) remove dissolved water (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Pentair's ULTIDRI® Oil Conditioning System keeps lubrication and hydraulic oil in optimum condition. Over 70% of equipment failures can be attributed to oil contamination, clean oil is fundamental to operational reliability and cost control. The technology was developed as an easily scalable oil conditioning system to remove solid contaminants and free, emulsified, and dissolved water from lubrication and hydraulic systems.

The ULTIDRI system provides reliable oil conditioning in order to minimize equipment wear and downtime, and to reduce replacement and maintenance costs. All lubrication systems aim to continuously provide a layer of oil to reduce friction between moving parts. Water contamination is a common problem in lubrication and hydraulic systems, resulting in degradation of equipment components and the lubricant itself. Once the oil is affected by oxidation, additive depletion, and viscosity changes, then sludge depo

The ULTIDRI system delivers the means to operate with clean and ‘dry’ fluids at all times. The technology brings extremely low moisture levels, often well below the saturation limit, within easy reach. As the system runs continuously, these low moisture levels are sustained for maximum protection at all times.