ultraslimweightloss.com - 开云官方入口-开云(中国)

Description: 开云官方入口-开云(中国)创建于2000年11月,(818988d.com @@@ 在2005年11月在港证所开市)公司注册资本566万,公司拥有固定资金969亿。致力于打造自有企业赛事IP"名企运动会"和"总裁欢乐跑"及系列活动,旨在搭建企业体育运动交流平台,发挥机构的影响力来倡导运动健康生活,提高个人健康水平,推动企业、城市繁荣和发展。

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UltraSlim® is uniquely positioned to help your patients regain their confidence. No matter how many times they’ve tried and failed with dieting and exercise, you can assure your patients that they will be successful today.

UltraSlim® is the only noninvasive device that is FDA-cleared for immediate fat loss. In multi-site clinical trials, patients lost an average of 1,580cc of fat in just 32 minutes (3.5″ combined waist, hips, and thighs), with 98% of patients losing at least two inches (see NCT02867150 at ClinicalTrials.gov).

UltraSlim  was invented in 2011 by Terry J. Ward, M.H.A., a fat loss provider in central Florida with a whole lot of problems. At that time, he was using a fat reduction device that boasted patients would lose two inches, in three weeks, with seven office visits. “Patients got results but weren’t happy and did not come back for more treatments or refer other patients.” Terry knew that if his business was going to survive, he would have to use a better machine. However, all of the other fat loss devices that

Links to ultraslimweightloss.com (1)