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Cordial , known as squash to Americans , is an undrinkable liquid that humans use to flavour the natural liquid known as H₂O, more commonly known as water . Drinking the pure essence of cordial without mixing it with water would produce an instant onset of Type 3 Diabetes.

Cordial was first discovered in 1628. As it grew on trees at the time, harvesters created new tools in order to remove the cordial seeds from the branches. In 1867, however, cordials evolved and migrated into cordial lakes. Most notably, the Red Sea in China was in fact a source for raspberry cordial before it was drained and replaced with normal water with red food dye. In the United States , cordial is referred to as "squash". Whereas actual squash are referred to as gourds (pictured). Or handball.

A Zooper Dooper is an Australian delicacy consumed on a hot day — which, in Australia, would be days ending in a "y". The juice of a Zooper Dooper is just cordial, but is marketed as "Super Dooper Frozen Flavoured Water" to appeal to children. The reason why a Zooper Dooper doesn't kill when consumed is that it is frozen. Anyone downing a dry and unfrozen Zooper Dooper should wait twenty minutes before going back to the pool. ( more ... )

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