unenlightenedstudent.blogspot.co.uk - The (Un)Enlightened Student

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Firstly, apologies. I know no-one reads these things, but I would like to formally apologise to my non-existent readers for being so absent. The truth is after a year of writing, I seem to have run out of original, satirical studenty stuff (aside from writing about cone theft ), so I will be one of the many millions of people who use their blogging as an online diary (as if I wasn't doing that already).

I had to break my silence because the truth is, social media has driven me to the edge. If I was in a thriller, I'd be the person in the car whose car is hanging on the edge of a cliff. I'd be Moriarty with a gun in his pocket, I'd be...well you get the drift.

I'm through with feeling bad about the fact that it's a Friday night and i'm eating Dominos while scrolling through people's Instagrams about how they're having such a good time and how they basically have the best life ever. Yes, I know this sounds like the most bitter thing you've read today (aside from Donald Trump's tweets) but the truth is, social media, be it Snapchat, Instagram, or Facebook, in whatever medium, is detrimental to our mental health. If we try and live up to a false ideal, we'll never b