unescochairsalerno.it - Unesco Chair Salerno

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The UNESCO Chair Plants for Health in the Mediterranean Traditions  is conceived as cross-disciplinary research centre aimed at transmit knowledge on medicinal/health plants accumulated through the centuries in the Mediterranean region.

Protecting , promoting and transmitting heritage on plants for health in the Mediterranean Area

The Unesco Chair Salerno  Plantae Medicinales Mediterraneae   has been   established in June 2020 at the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Salerno through the partnership with the  Division of Humanities, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)  USA,  Institute for the Preservation of Medical Traditions,  Washington, DC, USA,  Traditional Mediterranean Medicine , Monastic Republic of Mount Athos, Grecia, Minerva Garden at Salerno and Genua Unesco Chair. The Chair is the centre of a network of

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