uniqueindus.com - Fire Extinguishers Manufacturer,Co2 Fire Extinguishers Supplier,Exporter,India

Description: UNIQUE INDUSTRIES - is one of the leading Manufacturer,Supplier & Exporter of Fire Extinguishers, Co2 Fire Extinguishers from Mumbai,Maharashtra,India

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Unique Industries is one of the trusted Manufacturers, Suppliers, Traders & Exporters of high end Fire Fighting, Fire Extinguishers, Co2 Fire Extinguishers, Safety, Security & Traffic Equipment . With more than three decades of rich expertise and experience, we have been catering to the Protection, Security and Safety needs of varied industries like Chemical, Pesticide, Fertilizer, Refineries, Pharmaceutical, Petroleum, Construction, Mining, Cement, Food, Paper, Rubber, etc. Headed by qualified professional

Our team of professionals providing custom made solutions to the customers across various parts of the globe. We meet every need of the clients backed with a sound infrastructural base that assists in shaping premium range of products on time as per the current trends of the industry. In addition to this, our R&D specialists aid us in conducting extensive research on existing products to design innovative products, improve product quality and meet challenging applications. We are a reputed member of NATIONA