unirats.com - uniRATS. University Research And Technology Service.

Description: uniRATS provides a comprehensive directory of Academic, Research and Technology units that underpin the mission areas of every accredited allopathic and osteopathic medical school in the U.S. and Canada. Our proprietary database provides extensive navigation to source URLs and selected contact information for academic departments and divisions, research centers and institutes, and the research and technology offices that support them.

medical research (214) medical schools (13) list of medical schools (1) database of medical schools (1) directory of medical schools (1) academic medical departments (1) medical research centers (1) technology offices (1) research offices (1) academic research medicine (1)

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The First and Only Compendium of :

Academic, Clinical & Research Units at U.S. and Canadian Allopathic Medical Schools

available exclusively from:  UNI versity R esearch A nd T echnology S ervice (UNIRATS)