universalaccess.co.za - Towards a Better World for All - Universal Access

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Universal Access (UA) is the concept that in responsible and inclusive societies, built environments should be accessible for use by the broadest range of people, accommodating both typical and atypical users. These would include, for example, parents pushing prams, the elderly, youngsters, people with disabilities, pregnant women and delivery workers.

Our built environments are a complex mix of transportation systems, buildings and public road systems of varying ages. Many urban structures are legacies of a time when current views on equality and social inclusion, and the legal frameworks to protect freedom of movement for all citizens, did not exist. The goal of Universal Access therefore remains an elusive one.

Now businesses, workplaces, municipalities, educational institutions and other organisations are seeing the need to make their structures universally accessible. Access auditing has become a critical part of the process of achieving this.

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