universaldesign-nm.org - Universal Design - New Mexico

new mexico (1674) independent living (380) aging in place (153) universal design (46) inclusive design (43) accessible design (21) design-for-all (13) barrier free design transgenerational design architectural access

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We are born with differing abilities and we change throughout our lifetime. Unfortunately, most housing is static and does not change with us. Homes have traditionally been built with steps at the entrance, narrow doorways and other barriers. These barriers can mean the difference between healing at home and sacrificing independence to a nursing home, between attending the neighbor's party and social isolation, between maintaining health and risking injury.

In contrast, universally designed houses incorporate features that increase the usability of the home by people of all ages, sizes, and abilities. They promote independence and visitability. These houses do not look different from conventional housing. Some people think the homes seem more spacious, and most universal design features are virtually unnoticeable. These features simply allow the house to be adapted as needs change.