unlessyourepent.com - Unless You Repent

Description: Jesus Christ is God the Son, He died to save you from your sins, hell, and the wrath of God. If your faith is not is Christ, you are on your way to hell and need to repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for eternal life. Today is the day of salvation!

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Jesus Christ who is God the Son, came into the world as a man to live in perfect   obedience to God the Father.  With His death on the cross , Jesus became the perfect  sacrifice, canceling the debt against sinners by taking their full punishment upon Himself.

Three days later, He rose from the dead, defeating sin and death , earning eternal life for all those who trust in Him.  Through His love and mercy, Jesus satisfied God's justice and is the only way to peace, assurance, forgiveness, and salvation.

To be reconciled to God,  you must repent and trust that Jesus died for your sins .  Your sins will be forgiven, God will see you as perfect in Christ, and God the Holy Spirit will make you a new creation with a redeemed soul for eternity, and redeemed reasoning.