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Contents UOGuide 4th Anniversary message In the Shadow of Virtue Event Info Featured Updates for June New Community Features on UOGuide Classic Custom House Design Contest View the full newsletter at: If you haven't already, be sure to sign up to receive the next one . Newsletter subscribers may get access to exclusive content in the future, such as contests. Comments (0)
What an exciting time for UOGuide . The first month of this new year has been a flurry of activity, adding well over 1,000 new pages to the site. Due to in large part by the merger of UOStuff, UOGuide now has well over 3,000 web pages of UO information. Not only did the amount of content explode, but the merger was also fully completed in January. The Main Page has a brand new look, adding three new features. Two of them are ideas taken from the old UO website. The first is Featured Establishments. Players