Description: Carpool, RideMatching, RideShare, Car Share
carpool (143) carpooling (99) ridesharing (83) car pool (74) ride share (72) ridematching (36) ride match (35) rideshark (35) ride shark (35) surveypeople corp. (35)
With a uOttawa Carpool account, you can make your commute fun again by finding faster ways to get to class, or even find a study partner for the bus ride!
Public transit and active transportation aren’t for everyone. For many people carpooling is a great alternative to driving by yourself to work or school every day. Share the cost and effort of commuting with other people who live and work near you, and become eligible to register as a uOttawa Carpool Group for even more benefits like Preferential Parking and our Emergency Ride Home program.
You can join a carpool even if you don’t have a car yourself!