Description: Spirit8 is a Digital agency one page template built based on bootstrap framework. This template is design by Robert Berki and coded by Jenn Pereira. It is simple, mobile responsive, perfect for portfolio and agency websites. Get this for free exclusively at
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We are a digital agency with years of experience and with extraordinary people
The Upskill Technolgy Solutions team of entrepreneurs comes up with several ideas to test and experiment. These projects get prototyped through in-house design and technology teams, and are pilot tested on the ground to get feedback and market validation. Based on the project traction and business plan, the project gets funded by the UpSkill Technologies Ventures seed fund and a new company gets spun-off by the lead entrepreneurs from the lab.
Our team comprises of highly experienced entrepreneurs and professionals who have created successful businesses in India, with deep product development and implementation experience. This team of Entrepreneurs-in-Residence, principal architects and product designers bring a wealth of startup and large scale project execution experience.