urbankitchenware.com - Urban Kitchenware

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Whether you visit Starbucks every morning or you enjoy waking up to a piping-hot homemade brew, you want the taste to be absolutely perfect. Ask any barista and they'll tell you that the difference between delicious coffee and your average, every day cup is the delicious milk froth that carefully swirls its way into your senses.

Coffee is one the world's most delicious beverages, but it can also be quite expensive to buy. The Urban Kitchenware Electric Milk Frother was designed with ease of use and versatility in mind. A professional-grade kitchen accessory, it's ideal for those working at a coffee shop, as well as anyone looking to make delicious coffee at home or office.

Bringing the timeless tradition of handcrafted copper and Kansa utensils from India to Canada, enhancing wellness with every meal

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