urimkorea.co.kr - 우림코리아

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Example domain paragraphs

We are specialized in manufacturing various kindsof lithum-ion battery packs widely used for ESS, UPS, EV car, e bike, e scooter, drone, wireless and various multimedia audio products including,    but not limited to, smart phones, notebooks, tablet PC's, beam projectors digital cameras,  camcorders,  navigation systems,  DMB's, MP3's,  LED lanterns, flash lights, readios,  video phones,  portable amplifiers, portable    air cleaners,  robotic   vacuum    cleaners,  cordless  mikes, electron microscopes, el

Especially, we developed lithum-ion battery packs for ESS and UPS which can operate refrigerators, TV's or computers for more than 8 hours useful in case of a power failure and are also producing multi functionalbattery packs utilizing solar power.

Product information