usa (6911) us (4105) u.s. (229) ron paul (104) u.s.a. (73) usa vs us (1) usavsus (1) the truth as i see it (1) ron paul interview (1) ron paul for president (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Original CORPORATE Description DESCRIPTION union of the several states the states united united states in Congress assembled these united States of America T he u nited s tates of America The United States of America The United States (intent or defined to be the original or organic) the UNITED STATES the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (all capital letters--a fiction--a corporation) the United States of America the United States (intent or defined to be the corporate US), Started with

Created by Sovereigns

Created by merchants, bankers, and their cohorts by acts of treason . They also forced the South and other states to secede . Pres. Lincoln fell into their scheme and went along for awhile. This Martial Law government [actually: "Martial Rule"] is a fiction managing civil affairs

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