utahvalleymodelaclub.org - Utah Valley Model A Club

Description: Utah Valley Model A Club serves as a medium for an exchange of ideas, information, and parts for admirers of Model A Ford cars and trucks and to aid them in their efforts to restore and preserve these

model a (54) ford model a (5) utah valley model a (1) utah model a (1) utah county model a (1) ford model a club utah (1) 1928 model a (1) 1929 model a (1)

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Model A Ford Club of America UVMAC on Facebook UVMAC on Instagram Beehive A's Salty A's Color Country A's Treasure Valley A's

29 Apr Garage Days

The Utah Valley Model A Club held a Garage Day in April in the garage of club member Theon Laney. Fifteen club members attended to install a newly rebuilt engine and transmission in Theon’s 1928 Tudor. Fortunately the weather had warmed sufficiently to melt the six foot snow banks that lined the driveway, so there was room to park.

Links to utahvalleymodelaclub.org (3)