utahworkingparents.org - 岳阳雀刮工艺品有限责任公司

Description: UWPA is a grassroots advocacy organization bringing together working parents to advocate for solutions for families and society.

working today for a brighter (1566) and better tomorrow (1566)

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Home: Welcome Advocating for Smart Policy for Working Parents & Children

We envision Utah being a state where paid leave and child care policy work towards eliminating the gender wage gap, promoting parent and infant well-being, and enhancing children's performance in school. We know that the investments made to support working parents will be returned by a stronger workforce that is able to earn a consistent income through the childrearing years.

Utah Working Parents Alliance brings together parents across Utah to amplify our voices and advocate for policies that make sense for our children and families. We know that working parents are the backbone of our economy and that investing in solutions that allow work and care responsibilities to coexist benefits everyone.