Description: UUCA is a loving and inclusive church serving the Central Savannah River Area.
love (7309) justice (1291) inclusive (445) welcoming (186) covenant (141) uua (16) interdependence (11) covenantal (9) uuca (1) uu augusta (1)
Our Mission is to create a Beloved Community acting together with compassion, reason, and respect, empowering us to promote a just society.
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Augusta is a place where individuals are encouraged and supported in developing a meaningful, relational, responsible spiritual path. An active, faith-full, shared journey of love for ourselves, each other, and the world.
Just as each indi vidual experiences a unique spiritual journey, our people come to church for a variety of reasons. Some come from a place of deep personal longing, transition, or crisis. Some seek encouragement and community. Some long for a place in which they can renew themselves and the world through progressive values and action. Others seek a place for new and meaningful family tradition. Many long for a deep spiritual grounding. And many desire to reflect on what all of the above means - spendi