uvs-robotarium-lab.ca - Unmanned Vehicles | Canada | UVS Robotics Lab

Description: The Unmanned Vehicle Systems facility is a Canadian research laboratory created for the development of systems targeted for the enhancement of mobile robotics, unmanned vehicles including artificial intelligence and formal techniques applicable to aerial, ground, underwater as well as humanoid robotics.

canada (14937) robotics (2182) uav (614) humanoid (30) unmanned vehicles (14) dr alex ramirez-serrano (1) reseach and development (1)

Example domain paragraphs


The Unmanned Vehicle Systems facility is a research laboratory created for the development of systems targeted for the enhancement of mobile robotics including artificial intelligence and formal techniques applicable to aerial, ground, underwater as well as humanoid robotics.

Currently, we have six main projects where each project consists of a number of sub-projects each investigating and developing control, navigation, manipulation, human-robot interaction, and other areas within the unmanned vehicle systems area.