ux-design.se - Återvändsgränd

Description: informatic.se - Where Dreams Die

design (78530) usability (825) interaction (622) ixd (76) interaktionsdesign (25)

Example domain paragraphs

My father was a wealthy stockjobber, so I grew up beneath the sewers of New York. I spent most of my childhood raising my mother, whilst supporting my family financially. When I turned seven I celebrated my first birthday. My mother gave me my first car and I celebrated this special event by running over 35 tourists and a dozen of homeless canines. As a result of that happy occasion, the government confiscated my driver’s license for the second time that week.

In my early teens I developed an unhealthy aggression, which made me spend hundreds and thousands of cents on lottery tickets. When I was 18, I won $150.000 in unpaid bills and had to encumber my neighbors.

Later that year I built my own house in the suburbs of Chernobyl. The lots were inexpensive due to a minor accident I hadn’t heard of. At one unpleasant occasion I arranged a house party where I invited all my coworkers. Unfortunately one of them was a pyromaniac and burnt down my house. That repressed the festivity a little bit, but people acclimatized quickly.