uxdesignguide.com - UX Blogs, Emails, Podcasts & Books - UX Design Guide

Description: A list of the best UX blogs, newsletters, communities, and books. Used by design teams at Adobe, Dropbox, Airbnb, HubSpot, IDEO and more. Curated by and for User Experience experts.

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User Experience (UX) involves all interactions that a user has with a product, system or service. It sits at the intersection of research, design and engineering. The UX Designer performs user research, leverages it to create an effective design, and helps implement it into the final product. They focus heavily on usability, accessibility, and measurable outcomes. This is human-centered, data-informed design that assists both the users and the business in achieving their goals. UX work can be found in every

User Experience (UX) involves all interactions that a user has with a product, system or service. It is human-centered, data-informed design that assists both the users and the business in their goals.

Hey, I'm Austin Knight , a Product Designer at Google. I began curating this guide a few years ago as a way to keep track of my favorite blogs and tools. It has since been circulated all around the UX community, and I now maintain it as a free public resource. I'm thrilled that you've found your way here, and I hope you enjoy having a look around.