The Vision 2050+ Foundation and the Center of City of the Future (CIIRC CTU Prague) are co-organizing a series of events that will culminate in a conference called SOC AI ETY VISION 2050+ . This conference will focus on resilient urban (city) structures whose technical infrastructure, functions and life in their environment will be supported by artificial intelligence that will completely change our lives as we live them now.
Individual changes will be discussed in four main domains. These are Society, Economy, Technology and Environment. The individual themes will be further refined, but our intention will be to respond to the dominant events of the present and recent future, which imply many new, previously unrecognized (or already forgotten) threats and challenges to address. We want to look into the future from the perspective of today’s knowledge based on historical events and data, but nevertheless from the position of the
Nadační fond Vize 2050+ a Centrum Města Budoucnosti (Center of City of the Future) CIIRC ČVUT Praha spoluorganizují řadu akcí, které vyvrcholí konferencí nazváno SOC AI ETY VISION 2050+ . Tato konference se soustředí na rezilientní urbánní (městské) struktury, jejichž technickou infrastrukturu, funkce a život v jejich prostředí bude podporovaní umělou inteligencí, která kompletně změní naše životy tak, jak je žijeme nyní.