Description: The Vadodara house churches- Caring, worshipping and serving as disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ by bible study, prayer, witness and everyone participating. Each assembly meets in the home of a believer in Baroda. Breaking of bread takes place every Sunday. We welcome new persons transferred to Baroda, persons who are new in their faith as well as those who are not regularly a part of another church. All local assemblies form part of this network
church (17110) caring (563) serving (379) growing (370) praying (59) house-church (38) worshiping (3) vadodara-church (1) churchs-network (1) vadodara-house-churchs worship (1)
प्रभु यीशु मसीह के चेले के रूप में देखभाल, आराधना और सेवा करना. बाइबल अध्ययन, प्रार्थना और गवाह. हर कोई भाग लेता है.