- Vanilla Giga

Description: VANILLA Giga

cape town (1059) fibre (582) gigabit (147)

Example domain paragraphs

What you get: An ethernet (CAT 6) cable installed into your office network switches Fixed IPs - access to as many IP addresses as you need Network configuration as per your requirement (usually routed /30, can be setup with DHCP) Service Level Guarantee or SLG, Vanilla are committed to give the best quality and guaranteed service to support your business with the following benefits: A 24-hour pro-active fault monitoring by a dedicated technical team on all circuits with SLG arrangement Online reporting on b

Where's the catch? Requirements: this offer is current only valid for approved buildings in the CBD other locations can be quoted and the offer will extend beyond the CBD within 12 months. no installation cost but a 24 month committed contract is required

Maintained by Alan Levin, contact: +27 21 409 7996 - [email protected]