- Valentine Country Music - Home

Description: My best country western music and lyrics that I have written are on this website. I am a song writer and lyricist. All music is copyrighted and registered with BMI. Download the music demos, lyrics for free evaluation only. Edwin (Ed) Valentine Jr lyricist

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Edwin L Valentine Jr, Songwriter and Lyricist      

Valentine Country Music Tacoma , WA ph: 253-475-6091 edwinval entinejr @gmail .com

Some of the best country music and lyrics are just lying around waiting to be heard. My name is Edwin (Ed) Valentine Jr, songwriter and lyricist.  I have been playing guitar and playing music in one form or another since I was twelve years old.   Over the years I have written many songs and poems, some I have set to music and some I have not. On the Music Demo page you find demos of some of my work. On the Lyric page you'll find the lyrics to the demos, plus many lyrics that have yet to be set to music.