- Vancouver Foundation: Small Arts Grants

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Consider applying for a Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (DTES) Small Arts Grants Award! Applications are currently closed, but please check back in the Fall 2023 for future opportunities.  Vancouver’s DTES is a hotbed of creativity. Many artists connected to this neighbourhood lack the finances to advance their work. The DTES Small Arts Grants Program is for DTES Artists. You can apply for a financial award, attend workshops, receive expert advice, and participate in a year end group show. 

Vancouver Foundation created the DTES Small Arts Grants Program, in partnership with the Carnegie Community Centre .  This   program is   to support DTES Artists to take their work to the next level. It is for Artists who have limited or no access to support, such as funding, sponsorship, or regular arts and culture programs.    Applications are closed. Please check back in the Fall 2023 for future opportunities!  

"I create through Burlesque because I believe in diversity, variety and multiformity. I aspire to be counted among the best in Burlesque by using Fantasy, Theatrics, Humour, Sexuality, Body Positivity, and Dance in order to create Joy, Positivity and Celebration."