- fromhow-vanhoe

Description: website by reinaart vanhoe visual/textual artist working in rotterdam belgium and jakarta

art (57031) books (17128) kunst (15561) writing (6285) rotterdam (1628) particular (151) reinaert (3) hans ulrich obrist (3) non-object (2) reinaart vanhoe (1)

Example domain paragraphs

'Speakeraktif' a collaboration with Jatiwangi Art Factory (JAF ) (on invitation by Iswanto Hartono) Majalenka district under Renovation as JAF under renovation. 'Speakeraktif' is a tool to renovate JAF's connection to neighbors and neighboring organisation and look into, new neighbor(ism) and pro-activity after JAF's infrastructural renovation. In 2017 Iswanto Hartono was invited, by JaF, to propose ideas for renovating the JaF building. Amongst others he invited reinaart vanhoe and Marielle Verdijk to thin


'Kra Kra Intelligence' cooperative at 'The problem with value' (Bunkier Stuki, Krakow) icw Kris Dittel. "Kra Kra Intelligence" is a fictive cooperative exercising how to make use of the intelligence of all the people working and volunteering at Bunkier Stuki. "Kra Kra Intelligence" tries to see the production of art as a shared production where the input on different levels is seen as equal valuable and the need for expanding the gallery into more informal spaces is a needed answer against the background of

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