VBALink Home Page Download VBA Link Emulator Gameboy Emulator for Android Supported GBA rom Games VBA ROMs multiplayer on LAN Gameboy Emulator Help & FAQ GBA Online Emulator Graphics Settings Guide GbaLink Directory Contacts & Credits
VBA Link by denopqrihg is a modified version of GBA Emulator VisualBoy Advance. VBALink now supports GBA/SP multiplayer link cable emulation and linking of up to 4 gameboy emulators with gba roms . At this time linking is possible only under Windows OS. New! There is LAN support so no longer all the emulation has to be done on the same PC - connect up to 4 PC on the net.
We have just posted four guides by Matty : - VBA Link over internet with a Router . - GBA Game Roms on Your Computer . - Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald "Internal Battery Has Run Dry" Fix . - VBA running too slow ? Speed Tweaks! .