- VEA.Link

Description: Create short urls from your longer website urls. Registration is required, but completely free to use.

facebook (7754) url (3082) twitter (2572) link (1563) post (1403) short (939) path (699) tiny (408) shorturl (125) href (71)

Example domain paragraphs &fb=1&gl=uk&hq=google+maps+big+ben&hnear=google+maps+big+ben&cid=0,0,7629721680134612 123&ei=AukATpvoBpDA8QPaq4mzDQ&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CCAQnwIwAA Into a shorter version such as: http://[[[_CONFIG_SITE_FULL_URL]]]/a Then post to Twitter, Facebook, send via email, use on your existing website, advertising, affiliate links, the uses are endless. How can I view how many

**This site requires registration** Login above with your VEAlink or Facebook credentials to copy and paste your long url into the box on the left or signup for a free account and manage all your short urls in one place.

We use the most up to date sources available on the internet to block links being created for sites which may contain viruses, spam or malware.

Links to (3)