- Vereinigung Erzgebirge

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Without a doubt, we are facing extraordinary times. Due to the financial hardship of these times brought on by the global pandemic, the VE Calendar will only be electronically posted. The monthly printing and mailing has been discontinued. To view the latest print of the Vereinigung Erzgebirge monthly calendar of

The Bayerischer Volksfest Verein will be having their May Social Dance on Sunday, May 21st, 2023 from 2 to 6 PM at the VE Club.  There is no admission charge, food and beverages will be available for purchase.  Accordionist Emil Schanta, will provide the music for your listening and dancing

Every Thursday Night, dinner is available from 5-7pm in the large dinning room. Members $13. Non-members $15. Includes (1) Entrée and (2) Sides. Soup Du Jour, Beverage, Dessert, Coffee, & Cake extra.

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