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Description: Automated trading like the banks – only with Velvet AutoInvest. AI-based trading has never been easier. Start investing now and try 30 days for free.

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The AutoInvest platform that even beginners can use to automatically invest – just like a hedge fund or bank.

From 750 $ minimum deposit. Try 30 days for free .

Algorithms Engineered in Germany AI-Based Automated Investing Pay Only for Profits Verified Performance Lean back 🌙 and see your first trading results after only one week. 1 Try 30 Days for Free Exclusive trading algorithms – trade like an investment bank. No fixed contract period. Cancel anytime. Pay only for profits. Create your free account. No credit card required. Automated trading. No manual intervention needed. 1 Do you also wonder... …do the banks’ powerful automated algorithms also exist for privat

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