design (78686) html (18927) javascript (15056) css (14212) java (6384) illinois (4225) python (4195) xml (3292) sql (1926) xhtml (1038)
Hello! I'm glad you're here! My name is Venisa Sinha and I am currently a rising Computer Science student at University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. Here's a little about me:
SORF is an Illini Union organization that helps fund RSO events on and off campus. During my time at SORF, I reengineered the front-end to incorporate a modernized UI/UX to increase visibility and understandability of SORF for over 1,800 clubs on campus using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, and ASP.NET. New Website
I worked with AARP Foundation to build an Alexa Skill which will make it easy, fast and fun for older adults to get reminders about community information and events, and to discover and deepen new relationships. The pilot will operate in five senior housing communities in Baltimore, Maryland and Washington, D.C. (approximately 170 individuals).