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Search Platform Packaging with a Future Learn more The Platform Committed companies along the packaging value chain. We range from raw material processors to recyclers, from packaging manufacturers to consumer goods producers. As members of the Platform: Packaging with a Future, we believe that sustainable use of packaging is possible, reasonable, and necessary. Each of us is already doing something. But a single company or industry can only offer partial solutions. Not only that, but a single company can o

Together, we work to ensure that existing solutions for challenges in the packaging sector are brought together to form a holistic solution. We rely on an open, facts-based dialogue with all those who are able to contribute constructively. The entire ecological footprint of each instance of packaging becomes the center of attention, because we want the best solution for products, consumers and – last but not least – our environment.

Packaging is important. It protects all the products that we consume every day. This protective function is not only good for the product, but also good for the environment.

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