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Description: 【发财推荐】KAIYUN.COM·(中国)官方网站 - 开云成立于2016年。公司注册资金300万,是一家集室内外设计施工于一体的综合性建筑装饰企业。公司经营范围包括:室内外装饰、外墙保温、水电暖安装、工程设计与施工。为商业住宅、别墅、样本间、酒店、办公楼等多种工程进行设计与施工。 已为五千余位业主送去了优质的服务,赢得了社会各界的广泛赞誉和良好的口碑。是山东省建筑装饰行业前20强企业。·(中国)官方网站 - 开云 (3)

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Founded by Hardik Gajjar and Nikhil Sinha, Vertex Volt is one of the leading animation and visual effects studio in India. Vertex Volt provide services like matte painting, wire removal, rotoscoping, 2D/3D compositing etc in VFX and character designing, modeling, texturing, rigging, 2D/3D animation, lighting, dynamics, rendering etc in Animation to the domestic & international outsourcing and freelancing clients.VERTEX VOLT has been doing several award winning TV Series since it’s genesis.

VERTEX VOLT provides services like matte painting, wire removal, rotoscoping, 2D/3D compositing etc in VFX and character designing, modeling, texturing, rigging, 2D/3D animation, lighting, dynamics, rendering etc in Animation to the domestic & international outsourcing and freelancing clients.VERTEX VOLT has been doing several TV Series and Live action & Animation feature film since it’s genesis.

Our imagination is your springboard. We create magical 3D virtual world in which your content is animated either from a script or a storyboard.

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