vfw1791.org - Chaska VFW Post 1791

Description: VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1791,Chaska VFW Walter Hecklin Post 1791. A local charity organization that supports local veterans. Private club and charitable gambling available at this location.

veterans (1777) vfw (463) veterans of foreign wars (406) 1791 (4) post 1791 (1) walter hecklin (1) chaska vfw (1)

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The U.S. Army is made up of the most dedicated, most respected soldiers in the world. These soldiers protect America's Freedoms while serving at home and abroad, and they are always prepared to defend the nation in times of need.

We are soldiers of the sea, providing forces and detachments to naval ships and shore operations. We are global leaders, developing expeditionary doctrine and innovations that set the example, and leading other countries' forces and agencies in the multinational military operations. These unique capabilities make us "First to Fight", and our nations first line of defense.

America's Navy is a force as relevant today as it's been historically significant for the last 238 years. The times may change, the threats may become more obscure, the complex nature of 21st century life may make the demand for such presence less obvious. However, now more than ever, the Navy is something to be aware of Something to be thankful for. Something to be proud of.

Links to vfw1791.org (1)