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Description: Simply The Story and God's Story: From Creation to Eternity discipleship tools for the oral and literate learners

word of god (157) bible stories (48) mel gibson (13) the passion (8) bible video (7) god's story gods story god's story video jesus video for children language groups

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 The 80-minute video, God's Story: From Creation To Eternity , presents the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, this panorama of the Scriptures highlights God's plan to rescue fallen mankind.

Evangelistic--Discipling DVD, VCD (Video CD), Audio CD 390 Languages Completed Now used on Solar-Powered Audio Players Globally

Burmese man & wife watch God's Story together and both accept Jesus. He is 116 years old! Truly, over 80% of the world's population can not or does not read! God's Story and MORE are reaching these non-reader now in the amazing new Simply The Story (STS)

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