- Bert Villa

Description: Bert Villa is a phenomenological artist-architect. With his work, he engages with the codes of environments and our perception of those environments.

artist (36402) architect (4854) villa (4742) environmental (1918) perception (215) environments (113) bert (103) phenomenological (9)

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Bert Villa is a Ghent-based phenomenological artist-architect. With his installations, photography and architectural structures, Villa engages with the codes of (human-made) environments and our perception of those environments. Often departing from a specific location and the narratives it embodies, Villa engages with the highly recognisable phenomena that populate our surroundings. By isolating or recontextualising them, he questions the way our environment is culturally, historically and socially constru

Recently a first book ' Assembly ', was published by MER. Paper Kunsthalle and Borgerhoff Lamberigts. Some copies are left, feel free to send an email or visit the shop .

[email protected]

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