- Vindic – Our passion is to develop products that enhance your mobile life.

Description: Flaklock, flakkåpor, stylingprodukter och tillbehör till pickuper

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PLB Vindic develops, manufactures, markets and sells flatbed superstructures with accessories for light trucks. Vindic operates mainly in Scandinavia, the Baltics and Germany. In these markets, we sell our self-made covers Vindic, Nordtop and PLB. We also have the agency for Mountain Top. Mountain Top is an aluminum flat lid manufactured by Mountaintop AS in Denmark.

To protect your gear from all kind of elements while keeping the unique design of the pickup we partner with world leading companies like Mountaintop and Almeco. To support you in your work we offer hard aluminum covers that endure really tough conditions and rolls that open automatically.

PLB VINDIC AB Box 148 681 23 Kristinehamn

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