- Violations Analysis Inventory

Description: The Violation Analysis Inventory (VAI) is a test designed for defendants convicted of a moving violation. The VAI incorporates five scales (domains) or measures: 1.Truthfulness Scale, 2.Driver Risk Scale, 3. Attitude Scale, 4. Self-Esteem Scale, and 5. Stress coping (management) Scale. The Violation Analysis Inventory (VAI) helps defendants and staff better understand their attitudes and driving – related behavior. Behavior Data Systems is the psychological test publishing company that developed and markets

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Example domain paragraphs

This test is designed for use with defendants convicted of moving violations and who are participating in defensive driving courses, or are completing traffic violator, or driver safety programs. The VAI is designed for quick assessment of attitudes and behavior that influence one's driving. The VAI helps defendants explore their attitudes and assess their driving-related behavior in a positive (as opposed to critical) manner.

1. Truthfulness Scale: Measures how truthful the client was while completing the test. This scale identifies self-protective, guarded and defensive people who minimize or even conceal information.

2. Attitude Scale: Identifies negative outlooks characterized by resistance, entitlement, oppositional disposition and un-cooperativeness. Positive attitude change is a prerequisite to behavior change. This scale identifies positive or negative features of one's attitude. 3. Driver Risk Scale: Measures the defendant's driver risk independent of substance abuse. Some people are simply irresponsible or aggressive drivers. This scale identifies driver risk. 4. Stress Coping Scale: This scale measures how well

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