- Virginia Disability Determination Services

Description: Disability Determination Services process disability claims for benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income Disability Programs.

security (10094) social (8481) disability (1668) dds (757) determination (53) dars (22) vadars (3) virginia disability determination services (1) disability determination (1) social secutiry (1)

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CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) RESPONSE  • Have you downloaded  COVIDWISE , Virginia's COVID-19 exposure notification app? Add your phone to the fight  here . For up-to-date information, assistance, and resources from across state government, click  here .

The Virginia Disability Determination Services (DDS), a division within DARS, works in partnership with the Social Security Administration and the Virginia Department of Social Services to make decisions on disability claims for benefits under the Social Security Disability Insurance, Supplemental Security Income, and Medicaid Programs. Following federal regulations, DDS commits to making accurate and prompt disability decisions based on medical and psychological evidence. DDS also considers school informat

DDS is committed to making accurate, prompt decisions on disability claims under the Disability Insurance Benefits (Title II), Supplemental Security Income (Title XVI), and Medicaid (Title XIX) Programs.